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Sun cream helps erase wrinkles

Sofia M.

Studies show that it's no longer just about prevention.

In summer, there's no end of articles about protecting yourself from the sun's dangerous rays. And yet, we're adding our contribution.

We have written before that sun protection is essential for your health. Not only is sunscreen the best way to prevent wrinkles, sun spots and general redness, but research shows that sunscreens prevent new sun damage and can repair existing sun damage.

Sun cream helps erase wrinkles.
Sun cream helps erase wrinkles.

Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. published research in the journal Dermatologic Surgery showing that daily SPF prevents wrinkle-causing UV rays and can help reverse the signs of ageing. The researchers asked a group of 32 participants to apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 moisturizer to their faces daily for a year. They then examined them every few weeks to assess skin texture, clarity and pigmentation issues. After 52 weeks, most participants noticed a significant improvement in their skin without any other anti-ageing products.

Those with pronounced freckling pigmentation achieved the best results - a 52 per cent increase in evenness of complexion. The group of participants with visible wrinkles showed a 68% reduction.

After 52 weeks, most participants noticed a significant improvement in their skin without any other anti-ageing products.
After 52 weeks, most participants noticed a significant improvement in their skin without any other anti-ageing products.

"This study suggests that sunscreen not only has a preventive effect on skin ageing but that the length of sunscreen use in this study probably allowed the skin's natural repair systems to function optimally," says Californian dermatologist dr. Chiu.

Sun protection may not be the only factor influencing changes in skin health. We've written that moisturizing the skin regularly with a rolling cream and SPF (at least a year of use) helps improve the appearance of fine lines.

You can read more about skincare in our previous articles. And don't overlook our line of supplements, which don't work only on the surface but penetrate deep into the essence of ageing.

Don't overlook our line of supplements, which don't work only on the surface but penetrate deep into the essence of ageing.
People age at wildly different rates.

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