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The Ultimate Guide on Creating a Sustainable Diet Plan to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Sofia M.

As summer approaches, diets are a popular topic of discussion. However, finding the right one can be challenging. In this article, we will explore the advantages of fasting as an alternative to traditional diets and restrictions. Fasting can enhance your physical and mental well-being while safeguarding your body against illnesses.

Cutting down on calories is a feasible and inexpensive approach that only requires willpower to achieve.

Fasting is beneficial, and losing weight is healthy. Fit people live longer.
Maintaining a healthy weight through fasting can have many benefits, including a longer life span for those who are physically fit.

Taking steps to lose weight is not only beneficial for your health but also increases your life expectancy in the long term.

That's correct. When we consume low-calorie diets and have low blood sugar levels, it activates enzymes called sirtuins. These enzymes are crucial for repairing our DNA and ensuring that our genes are functioning properly, which ultimately helps to extend our lifespan.

If you eat less, you will lose weight. You will feel better. You will look better. And younger. There is no trick to this. Limit your calorie intake.

Suppose we dig a little deeper and simplify processes. When we are hungry, we turn on genes that produce NAD, the tiny molecules that sirtuins need to function. They can also be called fuel sirtuins. The sirtuins can take on a protective role with enough fuel - repairing DNA and stabilising the epigenome. Therefore, fasting can also be seen as an accelerator of NAD (supplements can also accelerate NAD - red wine molecules resveratrol or by the precursors' NAD, NR and NMN).

Fasting makes people more resistant to diseases.

Fasting has been common in some cultures for many years. In addition to religious practices where fasting is traditionally part of the rituals, humanity has discovered that fasting makes people feel better, look better and become more resistant to disease as it "cleanses" the body.

Many communities have reported that fasting helps them maintain good health and independence in their later years, resulting in a lower susceptibility to contemporary illnesses such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and cancer.

How does it work?

There is a difference between fasting for several days and intermittent fasting, which is a popular trend nowadays. Fasting for a longer time (one to three or even seven days or more) naturally detoxifies the body and brings about significant changes. Nonetheless, it's not suitable for everyone and can be quite physically and mentally exhausting.

Intermittent fasting is a diet, where you eat little or nothing for 16 hours.
Intermittent fasting involves abstaining from food for a period of 16 hours or more.

Intermittent fasting is a diet that can be easier to stick to in the long run. With intermittent fasting, you eat little or nothing for 16 hours, followed by an 8-hour eating window. This usually means skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch or dinner.

At first, you may feel hungry, nervous, and tired when skipping meals. However, it's important to remember that your body needs time to adjust to this new routine. After about two weeks, it should become easier and less challenging. You can start by skipping breakfast and then gradually adding lunch to your fasting period.

What is best for me?

Finding what's best for you is not a simple task. Even experts in the field will tell you that there is no universal rule, as everyone is unique. The key is to try things that make you feel better without pushing yourself too hard. Take small steps and keep track of your progress. If a particular practice, supplement, or exercise doesn't work for you, it's okay to stop and try something else. It's crucial to know yourself and optimize your diet and training over time. As Dr David Sinclair advises, measuring your progress is better than guessing.

Do something that makes you feel better.

It is essential to know yourself and optimise your diet and training over the years.
Knowing yourself and optimising your diet and training over the years is essential.


Give up sugar. Sugar destroys our defense mechanisms. When blood sugar levels are low, the body's defense mechanisms against disease are strengthened. Eat more vegetables and try to eat less meat. Read more about food in the following articles.

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Supplements can also accelerate NAD - red wine molecule resveratrol or by the precursors NAD, NR and NMN.
Boost your metabolism, decrease your appetite, and enhance fat burning with Pure Krill Oil and Renewing Elixir.

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