Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have many positive effects on our bodies, including accelerating fat burning during exercise, improving workout performance, reducing appetite, improving muscle growth and boosting the immune system.

> Omega-3 reduces the feeling of hunger
People on weight-loss diets often experience an increase in hunger. There has been a lot of research to confirm the positive correlation between omega-3-rich foods and a reduction in appetite. In most cases, this has been attributed to a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol, which causes hunger pangs in people.
> Omega-3 boosts metabolism
A high metabolic rate means it is easier to burn more calories daily. More calories burned means effective weight loss and, in the long term, easier maintenance of the desired body weight.
Several studies have successfully shown that omega-3 can help boost metabolism. In particular, they have shown remarkable success in healthy young adults and healthy older women. Research has shown that omega-3 can increase the calories burned during exercise, and the nutrients trigger the body to use fat stores as an energy source instead of carbohydrates. This is why taking omega-3-rich supplements during exercise is an effective weight-loss strategy.
> Omega-3 strengthens and grows muscles
In studies in which omega-3 did not facilitate weight loss, it promoted fat loss and muscle building. Although the participants' weight remained unchanged, they had a reduction in waist circumference, and their waist-to-hip ratio also decreased. With a proper diet and regular exercise, omega-3 supplementations can help you reduce your waist circumference, and that's not insignificant!
> Omega-3 inhibits insulin
Insulin reduces fat burning and promotes fat storage when calories are consumed. It inhibits the action of lipase, which breaks down fat into energy and activates the enzyme that converts carbohydrates into fat. Therefore, a reduction in insulin means more fat burning. Research published in the International Journal Of Obesity attributes the weight loss benefits of omega-3 to insulin suppression by as much as 50%.

How much omega-3 a day for weight loss?
According to the Dietary Guidelines, no set recommended amount of krill oil should be consumed. However, there are recommendations for the total intake of omega-3 and EPA and DHA. The Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for combined EPA and DHA is 250 to 500 mg (EPA+DHA=250 mg). When buying omega-3 supplements, read the label to find out how much EPA and DHA they contain. In healthy individuals, the RDI for total omega-3 is 1 100 mg for women and 1 600 mg for men.

Omega-3s for Skin: Benefits for dry skin, acne, and more
Dry skin, accelerated ageing, and skin problems such as acne, dermatitis and psoriasis can all result from a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids or an imbalance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
It has been shown that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids helps to moisturise the skin and thus relieve itching. A study involving 26 people with psoriasis confirms the positive effect of omega-3 fatty acid consumption. 58% achieved moderate to outstanding results in relieving psoriasis after 4 months of supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids aid digestion.
Reduce appetite.
Help lower stress hormone levels.
Improve exercise performance, and increase aerobic capacity and physical strength.
Improve muscle growth by stimulating protein synthesis.
Reduce inflammation.
Positively influence our hormonal system.
Because it's about you, your well-being, and your health, act now - click on the link below to get the best omega-3 on the market, Premium Antarctic Krill, today.